Thursday, August 28, 2014

Redefining Leadership by Joseph Stowell

The author maintains that leadership is all about character, resulting in a leader who serves out of humility rather than position. Character, not outcome, is the key. John Maxwell says leadership is a gift. When it's treated as such, it becomes a stewardship rather than a position laden with expectations and rights. Real leaders follow, and they follow Jesus. John Maxwell says leadership's power is not to be used to bless oneself or to gain attention, affirmation and acclaim; rather, it is to be used to let go of perks and privileges, empty oneself of self, and lead by being a servant in humble obedience. This book was interesting and challenging, effectively citing Scripture to support the author's positions. The material was appealing and cohesive, although redundant in places, as so many books today are. I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.