Friday, May 2, 2014

God is Just Not Fair by Jennifer Rothschild

This book is truly exceptional for a couple of reasons. One is that the author has earned credibility on the subject by losing her sight at age 15 and having that situation increase in difficulty as the decades have passed. The other is that, plain and simple, she is an excellent writer who has thoroughly considered the subject about which she is writing: is God fair? The author approaches this difficult subject from many angles, asking if God cares, errs, is aware, and hear prayers. She uses both Scripture and people's experiences to demonstrate God's character, which is to be trusted. The depth of the author's personality is reflected in this book. At one point, she talks about feeling guilty for being blind. She knows this is not logical but also realizes that perhaps the reason she chooses to feel this way is to avoid the alternative: to blame God. It is easy to find yourself reflected in her thoughts and feelings, all of which point you to the answer that God is good. I would recommend this book to anyone. It well written and well reasoned, a "keeper". I received this book from Thomas Nelson in exchange for my agreement to read and review it.