Monday, June 10, 2013

Bound Together by Chris Brauns

The author presents a strong case for the fact that people are linked to one another, in large and small groups and in good and bad ways, calling it “The Principle of the Rope.” Clear examples include spouses, families, and nations. Ones less obvious are mankind’s tie to Adam in the Fall and the offer of rescue by the Second Adam, Christ. Chris Brauns emphasizes that while current culture teaches that every person is individually responsible for their own thoughts and actions, this fairly recent viewpoint is not accurate and certainly is not in keeping with what the Bible teaches. He carefully builds the case to show that even still, the choices of one affect many. The greatest value of this book is its demonstration of how connectedness with Christ can change humanity and how the church can battle radical individualism, calling people back into the relationships for which they were designed. This book was interesting, challenging, and well written . It incorporated biblical truth, and I would recommend it. I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.