Saturday, July 30, 2011

Billy Graham in Quotes by Franklin Graham

This book, almost 400 pages long, delineates Billy Graham’s thoughts in more than 100 categories, from Abortion to Young People. This is a book well worth reading, as Graham is articulate, biblically sound, and wise. Those three qualities make for a treasure trove of quotations. Billy Graham’s quotes range from the pithy to the poetic, and the majority are exceptionally thought provoking. Billy Graham’s effectiveness as a public speaker does not fade one iota when captured in print.

In the chapter on Strength, Graham’s devotion to and understanding of the Bible is captured thus: “We must learn to let the Word of God feed us and strengthen us in our faith in God its author, Christ is message, and the Holy Spirit its teacher.”

In the chapter on Preaching, Billy Graham’s deep understanding of the human condition is reflected here: “When I preach—no matter where it is in the world—I can always count on five areas of human need that affect all peoples. Emptiness, loneliness, guilt, fear of death, deep-seated insecurity.”

The words of the evangelist who has almost undoubtedly shared the gospel with more people in the last 70 years than anyone else are well worth reading. If you don’t already know the reason for his effectiveness, humanly speaking, you will understand when you read his words.

This book was interesting, challenging, and thought provoking, reflective of a man of deep understanding of God and mankind. I recommend it wholeheartedly.

I received this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.